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HR advisory services

Advisory services in the area of Human Capital

Nowadays, maintaining valuable employees and attracting the best candidates from the market is one of the main HR challenges.

Employees and candidates truly appreciate other work-related areas, beyond financial expectations. The most important, among others, are:

  • The ability to develop competences
  • The opportunities for promotion
  • Work-life balance

Growing expectations of employees make it more and more important to ensure maximum use of competencies in organisations. Neglecting this area generates both the risk of leaving the most valuable employees and the risk of not achieving the intended business objectives by the organization.

Thus, systemic solutions that support employee effectiveness become not only a good practice, but even a necessity. The mentioned solutions include above all:

  • Focusing employees’ activities on achieving business objectives
  • Proper identification of the competences necessary to achieve the objectives within the given business areas
  • Remuneration policy, which supports the realization of the organization’s goals and builds the organization’s attractiveness as an employer

To meet these challenges, we offer our clients support in the area of human resources management.

HR advisory – scope of the service

  • Work performance diagnosis:
    • Benchmarking of performance indicators
    • Return on investments in Human Capital
    • Profit per employee, revenue per employee
    • Employment volume in the respective areas of expertise
    • Overview of HR solutions being used
    • Creating recommendations concerning the areas of maximizing work efficiency
  • HR processes optimisation:
    • Analysis of processes – review of regulations, procedures, interviews with process owners
    • Creating recommendations for process optimization
    • Definition of process efficiency measures
    • Creation of documentation – procedures for process execution
  • Periodic Employee Evaluation System:
    • Review of existing periodic evaluation solutions (frequency, templates)
    • Implementation / modification of the periodic employee evaluation system
  • Systems of Management by Objectives
    • Implementation of a system solution for results/management by objectives (KPIs) – consistency of rules
    • KPI list proposal
    • Trainings for managers on delegating/receiving tasks/objectives
  • Competency Models
    • Design and implementation of a competency dictionary and job-specific competency profiles
  • Optimisation of remuneration policy, including design of bonus systems
    • Comparison of salaries with market standards
    • Creation / unification of the salary grid by groups / job levels
    • Consistency of the bonus scheme (bonus ceilings)
  • Development of managerial competencies
    • Diagnosis of managerial competencies
      • 360′ evaluation
      • Assessment/Development Centre
    • Development actions (workshops, individual consultations)
      • Delegation and measuring objectives/tasks success
      • Team planning
      • Conflict resolution
  • Employee satisfaction survey
    • Design of a satisfaction survey(s) for different job groups
    • Conducting a survey in the organization
    • Report with recommendations
  • Development workshops – interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies
    • Managing yourself in time
    • Cooperation
    • Assertiveness
    • Stress management

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HR advisory services – key benefits

HR processes optimisation

our service helps to select the right HR resources and tools, tailored to the needs, capabilities and business objectives of an organisation. This translates into increased efficiency in the area of human resources management, but also streamlines the operation of the entire company and supports its development.

Optimal use of employees’ potential

appropriate allocation of tasks and responsibilities based on the competences of individual team members has a positive impact both on employees and on the company’s financial results.

Employee motivation increase

our services allow us to identify areas for improvement and to develop solutions which will effectively strengthen the motivation of your employees. The scope of responsibilities adequate to the qualifications, development opportunities, clear procedures and open communication constitute very important elements influencing job satisfaction and the feeling of being an important part of a team.

Reducing staff turnover

effective human resources management and the selection of HR tools which effectively strengthen the employee’s motivation and the connection of an employee with the company’s objectives make it possible to reduce staff turnover and to keep the most valuable employees within a company.

Cost reduction

optimal use of resources, increased levels of team engagement and reduced staff turnover are factors which positively affect a company’s financial results, and also reduce recruitment costs.

HR support

360 HR support

HR advisory services – find out how we can help!

Katarzyna Stachniuk
Strategy Advisory Manager

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Contract Administration Sp. z o. o.

Hrubieszowska 2
01-209 Warsaw

+48 22 295 32 00

NIP: 526-001-29-88, KRS: 0000028831,
REGON: 012548510. The District Court for the
capital city of Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division
