20.10.2023 Labour law

[Poland] PIP – number of labour rights violations and penalties imposed on employers on the rise

In 2022, the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) received 50,500 complaints filed by employees and the total value of fines imposed on employers amounted to more than PLN 19 million. What are the problems addressed by cases reaching the PIP and how can an employer avoid a fine?

The number of complaints filed by employees with the PIP is increasing, and a large number of cases concern problems with work certificates and working time settlement. Moreover, a report by the National Labour Inspectorate shows that employers keep records of working time unreliably and violate the rights to daily and weekly rest.

The fast pace of legal changes makes it difficult for employers to meet their obligations, so it is worth using tools which facilitate the process. Automatic monitoring of the correctness and completeness of documentation or deadlines, e.g. for expiring contracts or the validity of health and safety examinations, are solutions without which it is difficult to imagine the work of the HR department, especially in companies with a large number of employees. Very helpful are also RCP systems, which verify the correctness of data related to recording and settling working time, guaranteeing that the process complies with regulations and the rights to which a given employee is entitled – comments Magdalena Aleksandrowicz, CEO of Contract Administration, in a statement to FOCUS ON Business.

The article is available only in Polish.

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