25.06.2024 Labour law

[Poland] “Active parent” – Act published in the Journal of Laws

The Act on supporting parents in professional activity and in raising children – “Active Parent” introduces a number of solutions intended to facilitate the reconciliation of professional duties and family life. What improvements does it exactly introduce and from when?

“Active Parent” – three types of benefits for working parents

“Active Parent” Act  introduces a range of solutions aimed, among other things, at facilitating the return to the labour market after parental leave and helping parents to stay in work.

The Act introduces three benefits for professionally active parents:

  • “Active parents at work” – a benefit of PLN 1,500 per month for a child aged 12 to 35 months (for a disabled child, the benefit will be PLN 1,900)
  • “Actively in the nursery” will replace the existing co-financing to reduce the fee for a nursery, children’s club or day care provider which amounted to a maximum of PLN 400 per month. The new benefit will be much higher and will amount to up to PLN 1,500 per month per child, and in the case of a disabled child, up to PLN 1,900. The benefit will not be paid directly to parents but will go to the nursery/ kids’ club/ day care provider, and thus reduce the fee for the child’s stay at the facility.
  • “Actively at home” – a benefit of PLN 500 per month for a child aged 12 to 35 months will replace the existing family care capital. The new benefit will be more beneficial because it is to be paid for each child in the family aged 12 to 35 months, and not only for the second and subsequent children, as in the case of family care capital.

The above mentioned benefits cannot be combined, and parents will choose the form of support that is most beneficial to them. The legislator also provided for the possibility of changing the decision during the programme and switching from one form of support to another.

New solutions for parents from 1 October 2024

Pursuant to the Act, the new solutions will be available from 1 October 2024. The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) will pay the benefits.

Employment in Poland – how many people work full-time?

According to the publication Employment and wages in the national economy in the 1st–3rd quarter of 2023 presented by the Central Statistical Office (GUS), in the first three quarters of 2023 the average monthly employment amounted to 9,378.3 thousand of full-time positions. More than half of the full-time positions – 68.5% – were in the private sector, and most of the full-time positions in this sector were concentrated in the section – Industrial processing (2,330.4 thousand of full-time positions).

In the 4th quarter of 2023, according to the data presented in the publication Economic activity of the Polish population – 4th quarter of 2023, professionally active people constituted 58.9% of the population aged 15-89. This indicator was higher than in the 3rd quarter of 2023 (by 0.4 percentage points).

It is worth noting that compared to the 3rd quarter of 2023, the number of working people increased among women (by 44,000, i.e. by 0.6%), and among men it remained unchanged. On an annual basis, the employment rate of women increased by 0.5 percentage points.

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