We know the action plan of the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) for the year 2022 and for the years 2022-2024. The plan includes new tasks resulting from legislative changes, also those related to remote working. In the year 2022, 52 thousand inspections are planned, among others in business establishments, construction companies, as well as small companies, as well as small companies which will be visited by the PIP for the first time.
On 18 January 2022 the Labour Protection Council approved the action plan of the National Labour Inspectorate for the year 2022 and the years 2022-2024. The 82 pages contain the guidelines necessary to fulfil the tasks planned for the coming years and aimed at counteracting both traditional and new work-related risks.
The PIP action plan – three basic strategies
The action plan of the National Labour Inspectorate for 2022 assumes carrying out 52 thousand inspections and taking preventive actions within about 30 thousand entities, covering, among others, employers, entrepreneurs and their employees.
For the years 2022-2024, PIP has identified three key strategies:
- Strategy of control and preventive actions for the construction sector.
- Strategy of control of hazards of chemical agents in the working environment.
- Strategy of increased supervision over workplaces.
Under the control and supervision activities carried out in construction entities, the PIP will focus, among others, on the improvement of labour protection standards. The second strategy focuses mainly on inspections regarding employees’ exposure to dangerous and harmful chemical agents, while the strategy of increased supervision over workplaces is aimed at enforcing a gradual, systematic and sustainable improvement of working conditions in entities from various industries.
Moreover, in 2022, inspectors will also check other areas, including labour law, crucial from the point of view of many entrepreneurs operating in various industries and sectors of the economy.
Years 2022 – 2024 – which company areas will be inspected by the PIP?
The PIP Action Plan 2022 – 2024 will cover areas such as:
- respecting the provisions aimed at limiting the exposure of employees to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
- respecting the solutions in the area of legal protection of labour introduced by the provisions of the Anti-Crisis Shields,
- inspections to verify the legality of employment under civil law contracts,
- working time and salaries – reducing infringements of regulations on working time and salaries and other benefits under the employment relationship,
- observance of the provisions concerning the payment of the minimum hourly rate,
- preventing and fighting against illegal employment, including that in companies employing foreigners from the so-called third countries,
- labour law – observance of labour law provisions, including health and safety (especially in construction, medical, mining and commercial entities),
- observance of the provisions on the restriction of trading on Sundays and public holidays and on certain other days (particularly for retail outlets),
- first inspection, i.e. support for small companies in creating safe working conditions (concerns establishments not yet inspected by the PIP and operating on the labour market for no longer than 3 years, counting from the date of hiring the first employee),
- investigating complaints and requests reported to the PIP (especially concerning private security agencies, companies such as UBER, UBER EATS, BOLT or entities cooperating with them, medical entities and those carrying out construction activities, as well as other entities in which there will be complaints related to the reduction of the effects of the SARS CoV-2 epidemic,
- checking the correctness of data included in the ZUS IWA form provided by employers – payers of contributions,
- checking the fulfilment of the obligation to conclude agreements on running PPK and agreements on PPK management, as well as to make payments to PPK,
- enforcement of regulations related to the employment of adolescent workers and children under 16 years of age (will concern especially small and medium-sized companies in sectors such as trade, repairs, services and industrial processing),
- remote working – verification of compliance with the new regulations, including checking whether safe and hygienic conditions of work in this form of work are guaranteed,
- posting of workers under the provision of services – inspections on the posting of workers from the territory of Poland will concern entities with the registered office in Poland,
- provision of employment agency services and assignment of temporary work – inspections on compliance with the Act on the employment of temporary workers.
At the same time, apart from extensive control activities, the National Labour Inspectorate also plans to carry out a number of information-education and prevention programmes, and one of the topics will be the popularisation of knowledge about specific solutions for the protection of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn more: Covid verification bill – employer will check if an employee has been vaccinated
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